Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Tough Decisions

2010 has had a lot of ups and downs so far. More downs than ups.

It started with me being laid off from the job I had for five years and having to fight to get my unemployment. I finally did start to get my compensation in April but by then the damage was done.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Private Hells

We all have our own private hells
Constructed from our fears and dreams
We blanket ourselves in darkness
And embrace each misdeed

Throwing off the covers of despair would show us the light
But the light just amplifies our own shortcomings

The choice is to stand in front of the mirror of the soul
To accept and forgive

or to remain in sweet penetrating darkness and sleep the sleep of helplessness

Saturday, May 22, 2010

in dreams

She comes unbidden to my dreams
Fiery hair, beguiling eyes, mischevious smile

She says nothing but seduces with her silence
A quiet girl with a fount of passion underneath

Standing still her promises are spoken through her soul
Eternal peace and contentment can be yours

The price is losing yourself in her eyes

Never to return